Custom Product Engineering

We Understand the Demands

We understand the frustration with the standard “off the shelf” solutions. These products are designed to meet the needs of the majority of users on paper, but when you try to implement them in real-world situations, they may prove inadequate for many different reasons.

At FOVEOS, we are engineers, and we understand the demands and consequences you’re facing. We know that you can’t always expect to get the results you need from something that comes off the shelf of your corner electronics store. We understand that sometimes your unique problem demands a custom solution, and we’re prepared to deliver that solution.

Numerous Mix-and-Match Components

Often, it’s possible to design a solution by putting together the right blend of existing components. Our staff has detailed knowledge of the full range of offerings from our global partners. Combining different lenses, sensors, illumination and software can often achieve the results you need. We can find genuine OEM modules that are compatible with your current components. Whether you’re looking to upgrade hardware or simply get a replacement that does the job, if a solution already exists, we can help you find it.

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Truly Custom Solutions

If your problem is such that there aren’t actually solutions already out there for you, we can go one step further by helping you design and obtain a solution built from the ground up for your problem.

Our in-house development staff can script tailor-made applications to solve software challenges that might have stymied you for weeks. We can work with our partners around the globe to create custom OEM modules that will do what you need them to, while properly interfacing with the rest of your system. We can even help you by developing an entire vision system based on your own specifications.

When you get into making a custom solution, you won’t just be dealing with salespeople, you’ll be working with software developers and hardware engineers. We’ll check your math – and let you check ours – to make sure your solution will work as specified and solve the problem it’s designed to solve.

FOVEOS Makes Your Vision a Reality

It’s frustrating when you know exactly how a system should work, but nobody seems to have the components necessary to make that happen. At FOVEOS, our Adaptive Systems Approach™ means we work to ensure you get the solution you need, even if we have to design it ourselves.

We start by taking the time to understand your current operations. Feel free to give us any specs that might be the easiest way to communicate the situation. We can read them and understand. Then we make sure we understand the goals of the system you’re developing, possibly by sending some specs your way. Once we know what you’re looking for, we’ll offer you a range of solution options, from off the shelf solutions that might be “good enough” to mix-and-match components that are better, and even custom product engineering options that will give you exactly what you need.

To learn how our custom product engineering can help you get precise solutions to the challenges you’re facing, please contact FOVEOS today.

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To learn how our custom product engineering can help you get precise solutions to the challenges you’re facing, please contact FOVEOS today.

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